Friday, February 12, 2016

REVIEW FORMAT (Please read before any other posts)

The format of all my reviews shall be as follows:

Title at the top

Original air or release date

Writer or writers

Director or directors

Actors of all main characters

Ratings: 5 point scale

Summary: In this section I will summarize the film or episode being reviewed.  So you can certainly expect spoilers in the section. Yes, this section will contain many spoilers.  This is deftly a section you want to avoid if you don’t want have spoilers.

My Take: In this section I will talk about my view on the movie or episode.  I will discuss what I like, what I don’t like, personal take on the characters, try to figure out what the writer was thinking, and any other thing they may come into my head.  So guess what? This section contains spoilers as well.  That’s right spoilers, spoilers, and more spoilers! So consider yourself warned.

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